
32,000 Manitobans accessed birth control in 1st months of province’s free contraceptive plan

The province of Manitoba has seen a significant uptake in the use of birth control since the launch of a free prescription contraceptives program last October. Nearly 32,000 Manitobans have accessed birth control methods such as contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), hormonal implants, and contraceptive injections under this program.

According to a government spokesperson, oral contraceptives, commonly known as “the pill,” were the most dispensed product during the first four months of the program. However, there is no specific data available on the number of individuals opting for the pill compared to alternative methods like IUDs and hormonal injections.

Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara emphasized the importance of removing financial barriers to accessing reproductive health care. The program, estimated to cost the province $11 million annually, aims to save individuals hundreds of dollars and up to $10,000 over a person’s lifetime.

The recent budget includes an additional $7 million to expand the program to cover copper IUDs and Plan B emergency contraceptives, in addition to hormonal IUDs. Kemlin Nembhard, the executive director at Women’s Health Clinic in Winnipeg, noted an increase in requests for IUDs, which offer long-lasting protection and autonomy for individuals.

While IUDs may have a higher upfront cost compared to monthly pills, the affordability of these methods has improved with the introduction of the free birth control program. The Women’s Health Clinic advocates for further expansion of the program to include barrier methods like condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Haran Vijayanathan, the community health and wellness director at Klinic Community Health, commended the government for taking steps in the right direction with the program. He emphasized the importance of informed decision-making and accessibility to contraceptives for all populations, including those without health cards.

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Overall, the free birth control program in Manitoba has been well-received, with providers and advocates recognizing the positive impact on individuals’ reproductive health choices. As the program continues to evolve, there is hope for further inclusivity and expansion to benefit a wider range of Manitobans.

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