
PEI replaces Pap testing with HPV testing to detect cervical cancer

After decades of using the traditional Pap test to detect early signs of cervical cancer, Prince Edward Island is one of the first provinces in Canada to replace it with HPV testing.

The new kind of screening tests for the virus itself before it causes significant cell changes, as opposed to testing for cell changes that have already occurred.

“There are some big changes in PEI and changes that we’re very proud of,” said Dr. Krista Cassell, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Health PEI.

“We know that the HPV test will actually help us eliminate cervical cancer from Canada — and it’s expected to be by 2040.”

‘A better test’

After some pandemic delays, the province officially implemented the change in May of this year. More than 1,000 tests have been performed to date, according to Cassell.

“We’re very excited,” says Dr. Krista Cassell. “We’re really changing the face of women’s health.” (Karen Pauls/CBC News)

She said the process is relatively the same for patients — a swap is taken from the cervix and placed in a jar — but this screening is much more reliable.

“The HPV is a better test,” Cassell said. “We call it a more sensitive test, which means that if the test is negative, we can be very confident that the result is really negative.”

It will also minimize unnecessary testing because people who get a negative result will only need to be screened every five years instead of every three years in the future, she said.

‘Chance to eliminate cancer’

According to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, approximately 400 people die from cervical cancer each year in this country. While that’s a dark statistic right now, there are proven ways to reduce it.

“We have the opportunity to eliminate cancer — like, how exciting is that?” said Erika Nicholson, the group’s Halifax-based vice president of cancer systems and innovation.

“Taking the HPV test, getting yourself immunized can keep yourself healthy, you can prevent cancer deaths and people getting diagnoses.”

A Pap test with a sterilization bottle, two small sticks and a blue container along with an HPV test sit on the counter.
The new test looks for the HPV virus before cell changes occur rather than testing for cell changes that have already occurred. (Sheehan Desjardins/CBC News)

Nicholson said she was thrilled to hear news that PEI is now using HPV testing.

“I was elated, elated. I was super excited,” she said.

Self-test on the go

There is also more in the works. Cassell said the county is also developing self-sampling for patients. This means that individuals no longer need to go to a healthcare provider for testing.

“With this test, we’re going to increase our screening rates in the county,” she said.

“Our hope is that we can finally reach a segment of the population that is either never screened or is being screened on a schedule that isn’t quite what we would recommend.”

Cassell said every person between the ages of 25 and 65 with a cervix should be tested. That includes anyone who has had intimate contact with a partner, whether or not they received the HPV vaccine.

For those who have never been screened or are nervous about doing it for the first time, Cassell encourages them to talk to someone about the process or discuss other ways to reduce cervical cancer risks.

“Could potentially save your life,” she said.

See also  Quebec expands referral-free breast cancer screening to 70- to 74-year-olds

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