
Malware steals bank cards and passwords from millions of devices

Infostealer malware is currently one of the biggest cybersecurity threats facing internet users. This type of malware comes in various forms and is sold as services, with hackers paying monthly fees to use them to scam people. The infostealer malware economy is thriving, as evidenced by a recent report from Kaspersky stating that at least 25 million users were targeted between 2023 and 2024.

Infostealers are designed to capture valuable information such as bank card details, passwords, and sensitive media. According to the report, more than 2 million unique bank card details were leaked, with one in every 14 infections resulting in stolen bank card data. In addition to bank card information, passwords, second-factor authentication cookies, and other sensitive credentials were also compromised.

Kaspersky analysts noted a significant increase in infections in 2024, driven by specific malware strains such as RisePro and Stealc. Despite these emerging threats, Redline remained the most widespread infostealer, responsible for 34.36% of all infections. The surge in infostealer malware infections is alarming, with the number of devices affected by this malware climbing steadily.

To protect your bank cards and passwords from infostealer malware, it is essential to take proactive measures. Installing and regularly updating strong antivirus software on all your devices can help detect and prevent infections. Using virtual cards for online payments, setting up transaction alerts and spending limits, and avoiding storing card details in browsers are also recommended.

Additionally, creating strong passwords, changing them frequently, and using a password manager can enhance security. Investing in personal data removal services can also help monitor and automate the process of removing your information from the internet. By taking these precautions and staying vigilant while browsing online, downloading apps, or making online transactions, you can protect yourself from falling victim to infostealer malware.

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In conclusion, infostealer malware poses a significant threat to online security, and it is essential to stay informed and take proactive steps to safeguard your sensitive information. By following these tips and using the right tools, you can protect your bank cards and passwords from cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities in your online activities.

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