
Canadian Cyberspy Agency says it has disrupted foreign extremist activities

from Canada cyber spy agency says it has conducted operations over the past year to disrupt and remove harmful terrorist content spread online by foreign, ideologically motivated extremists.

In its latest annual report, the Communications Security Establishment says the operation has broken the extremists’ cohesion and significantly reduced their online reach and ability to recruit new members.

The report gives no details about the extremists or their objectives.

The Ottawa-based CSE monitors foreign communications for information of interest to Canada, protects computer systems and conducts cyber operations to counter threats from abroad.

The CSE says it has been working closely with domestic partners and international allies to support a united global response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

For the past year, the Cyber ​​Center of the CSE has been alerting Ukraine to hostile activities against the country’s national infrastructure and vulnerabilities in its networks, with the aim of preventing harm.

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