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Cozy ties between top Newsom ally and CCP official unearthed on networking site

A recent discovery by Fox News Digital has revealed a close relationship between a former Chinese Consul General in San Francisco and Darlene Chiu-Bryant, a longtime ally of California Governor Gavin Newsom. The Chinese Consul General, Ying He, praised Bryant in a 2017 LinkedIn recommendation, describing her as a “Super lady” and highlighting her expertise in developing business relationships between California and Beijing.

At the time of the recommendation, Bryant was serving as the executive director of ChinaSF, an organization that has come under scrutiny for its ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its role in recruiting over 100 Chinese companies into San Francisco. The organization has been accused of serving as a gateway for CCP officials and Chinese criminals to exploit California.

Bryant’s close relationship with Governor Newsom dates back to 2008 when he was serving as the Mayor of San Francisco. During his tenure, Newsom launched ChinaSF with the goal of fostering stronger relationships with China and promoting energy independence. Bryant, who traveled with Newsom to China in 2005 while serving as his deputy communications director, was later tapped to run ChinaSF.

The new book, “Fool’s Gold: The Radicals, Con Artists, and Traitors Who Killed the California Dream and Now Threaten Us All,” exposes how ChinaSF facilitated the entry of Chinese businesses into San Francisco and alleges that Newsom received anonymous contributions from a Chinese real estate company with ties to criminal activity.

In addition to her role at ChinaSF, Bryant has been involved in numerous events and initiatives promoting Chinese investment in California. Photos on her personal Facebook profile show her with Governor Newsom and other California politicians, including at Newsom’s inauguration in 2019.

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The close relationship between Bryant and Chinese officials has raised concerns about potential influence peddling for the CCP. Michael Sobolik, author of “Countering China’s Great Game: A Strategy for American Dominance,” warns that the CCP is looking to infiltrate every aspect of American society and that vigilance is necessary to protect against their influence.

Fox News Digital reached out to Governor Newsom’s office for comment, but received a response redirecting to an article about conspiracy theories. Bryant did not respond to requests for comment by press time.

The revelations about Bryant’s connections to the Chinese Consul General and ChinaSF highlight the complexities of international relationships and the need for transparency and accountability in dealings with foreign entities. As concerns about Chinese influence continue to grow, it is essential for government officials and organizations to uphold ethical standards and prioritize the interests of the American people.

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