Fun Facts: Election days were set in early November to accommodate work, travel, weather in the mid 1800s

Fun Election Day Facts
Did you know that election days were set on Tuesdays to accommodate work, travel, and weather? This tradition dates back to the 19th century when most Americans were farmers and needed a day to travel to their polling place without interfering with market days or the Sabbath.
Another interesting fact is that Vermont is the only state with a capital that doesn’t have a McDonald’s. Montpelier, the capital of Vermont, has a population of just over 7,000 people and prides itself on being the only state capital without the fast-food chain.
These fun facts serve as a reminder of the unique quirks and traditions that make each state in the U.S. special. Whether it’s the historical significance of election days or the small-town charm of Vermont’s capital, there is always something interesting to discover about the world around us.