Houston government softens language in transportation bill

The proposed changes to the Joint Regional Transportation Agency Act in Houston have sparked concerns among the Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities, the advocacy group for Nova Scotia municipalities. The original language of the bill gave the province sweeping powers over transit and transportation infrastructure, allowing them to undertake projects without consulting municipalities and passing on the costs once completed.
However, amendments introduced during the debate on the bill have softened the language slightly. The province will now make an effort to consult and negotiate with municipalities on necessary projects, and the cost of any work undertaken will be apportioned between the municipality and the province in a manner agreed upon. If no agreement is reached, the province still retains the power to pass along the costs.
Despite these changes, Pam Mood, president of the Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities, remains concerned about the overall thrust of the bill. She believes that the province still has too much power to dictate and undertake projects without sufficient consultation with municipalities.
The amended legislation now states that the municipal affairs minister will make reasonable efforts to consult with the federation and impacted municipalities before taking ministerial action. However, Mood is not satisfied with this change, stating that making an effort is not the same as actually consulting and collaborating with municipalities.
In response to the concerns raised by municipal leaders, Public Works Minister Fred Tilley defended the changes, stating that the adjustments were made in collaboration with partners to better reflect the intentions of the bill. Despite this explanation, Mood and other municipal leaders remain wary of the province’s ability to unilaterally dictate and undertake transportation projects without adequate consultation.
Overall, the concerns raised by the Federation of Nova Scotia Municipalities highlight the need for greater collaboration and communication between the province and municipalities when it comes to transportation infrastructure projects. Finding a balance between provincial oversight and municipal autonomy will be crucial in ensuring the smooth and efficient movement of people and goods throughout the province.