
Weather forces cancellation of World Cup men’s, women’s alpine ski races

Poor weather conditions forced the cancellation of both men’s and women’s World Cup alpine skiing events on Sunday.

The men’s slalom race was wiped out by snow and rain overnight in Val d’Isere, France, while heavy overnight snowfall ended a women’s super-G race before it began in St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Weather has cost both World Cup circuits numerous races so far this season.

For the men, the tally is now six races cancelled, one abandoned and just two completed. A giant slalom Saturday was won by Marco Odermatt at Val d’Isere as snow fell.

It was the third women’s speed race cancelled so far, after both scheduled downhills last month at the Matterhorn mountain on the Swiss-Italian border were lost to heavy snow and strong winds.

The races for both men’s and women’s events are expected to be made up at different venues later in the season.

The men’s circuit now moves to Val Gardena, Italy, for two downhills and a super-G starting Thursday. The first downhill is the replacement for one of the two races cancelled last month at the Matterhorn mountain on the Swiss-Italian border.

The women’s World Cup circuit travels to Val d’Isere for downhill and super-G races next weekend.

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