
New invitation round IEC 2023 invites 1,500 applicants

Last updated on July 1, 2023, 11:26 EDT (Toronto time)

Last International Experience Canada – IEC 2023 invitation round of June 2023, approximately 1,500 invitations to apply for work permits (ITAs) were sent.

The most invitations, 1,369, went to applicants from eligible countries, under the Working Holiday visa category, which offered them open work permits.

In the Working Holiday category, some 85,000 invitations to apply for open work permits have already been sent in 2023.

About 152 applicants were invited in the Young Professionals category and more than 17 people were invited in the International Co-op (internship) category.

According to the latest IRCC processing time update, the current IEC season takes 9 weeks to process.

Below is a list of all eligible countries with the number of invitations sent out this week, the total number of invitations sent out so far in 2023, the number of open seats and the applications in the pool.

IEC 2023 Working Holiday Invitations – June 30

Country Invitations issued Weekend June 30th Total number of invitations
Published in 2023
In swimming pool
Chance of receipt An invitation Next week
Andorra 0 22 0 16 Excellent
Australia 280 7,483 199 unlimited Excellent
Austria 6 250 9 7 Excellent
Belgium 1 1,153 79 1 Very low
Chili 0 2,292 7,510 0 Very low
Costa Rica 0 671 1,328 0 Very low
Croatia 6 132 2 192 Excellent
Czech Republic 21 921 14 423 Excellent
Denmark 7 350 2 92 Excellent
Estonia 1 114 2 46 Excellent
France 1 16,886 9,988 0 Very low
Germany 119 4,420 82 1,512 Excellent
Greece 7 347 5 140 Excellent
Hong-Kong 7 341 9 59 Excellent
Ireland 99 6,898 82 6,470 Excellent
Italy 69 2,229 38 616 Excellent
Japan 184 6,136 151 1,669 Excellent
Korean Republic 21 10,730 1,191 22 Very low
Latvia 0 72 26 0 Very low
Lithuania 2 386 52 2 Very low
Luxembourg 1 37 1 52 Excellent
The Netherlands 25 1,036 18 173 Excellent
New Zealand 48 2,260 51 956 Excellent
Norway 3 98 6 74 Excellent
Poland 18 828 17 188 Excellent
Portugal 24 966 21 1,123 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 Excellent
Slovakia 11 487 6 33 Excellent
Slovenia 0 54 0 58 Excellent
Spain 53 2.009 44 718 Excellent
Sweden 9 399 8 370 Excellent
Taiwan 14 4,598 1,291 10 Very low
United Kingdom 332 10,452 274 4,144 Excellent
Total 1,369 85,061 22,506 19,188
IEC 2023 Working Holiday Invitations – June 30

Country Invitations issued Weekend June 30th Total number of invitations
Published in 2023
In swimming pool
Chance to receive an invite next week
Australia 5 143 4 unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 11 0 8 Excellent
Chili 2 393 57 10 Very low
Costa Rica 3 189 3 17 Excellent
Croatia 0 7 0 16 Excellent
Czech Republic 4 222 8 8 Excellent
Estonia 2 13 1 4 Excellent
France 73 2,793 61 582 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 13 348 81 234 Excellent
Germany 16 414 10 145 Excellent
Greece 4 129 0 49 Excellent
Ireland 2 123 1 128 Excellent
Italy 4 177 4 64 Excellent
Latvia 0 6 0 7 Excellent
Lithuania 0 18 0 5 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 2 0 9 Excellent
The Netherlands 5 144 4 38 Excellent
Norway 1 11 0 9 Excellent
Poland 0 78 1 82 Excellent
Portugal 1 36 1 186 Excellent
Slovakia 0 49 1 4 Excellent
Slovenia 1 10 0 9 Excellent
Spain 4 183 2 74 Excellent
Spain through
ICEX is alive
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 46 Excellent
Sweden 0 30 0 88 Excellent
Switzerland 8 251 4 28 Excellent
Taiwan 4 140 2 24 Excellent
Total 152 5,920 245 1,874
IEC 2023 Invitations for Young Professionals – June 30
Country Invitations issued
End June 30th
Total number of invitations
Published in 2023
In swimming pool
France 17 3,695 33 1,772
Ireland 0 17 0 38
Germany 0 102 2 106
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9
Switzerland 0 37 1 26
Taiwan 0 19 0 2
Total 17 3,873 36 1,953
International Co-op (stages) invitations – June 30

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iec 2023 round of invitations, iec 2023 draw, international experience canada program 2023

Photo by Andre Furtado op Pexels. com

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