Nova Scotia

Pictou Landing’s Andrea Paul elected as new Regional Chief of Nova Scotia

MILLBROOK, N.S. — As her term as Chief for Pictou Landing First Nation comes to a close, Andrea Paul is taking on a new position as the new Regional Chief for Nova Scotia.

In September, the Assembly of First Nations issued a public call for candidates following then Regional Chief Paul (PJ) Prosper’s decision to step down to take a position within the Senate of Canada.

On Nov. 9, a nomination meeting was held with all the Chiefs of Nova Scotia or their proxies in attendance. Four candidates who passed the initial screenings provided a presentation to the Chiefs as to their suitability. Following the presentations, an election meeting was called.

It took two days and twenty rounds of voting before Paul was elected to Regional Chief of Nova Scotia. This makes her the first female Regional Chief for the province.

In a news release distributed on Nov. 10, the Chiefs of Mi’kma’ki congratulated Paul and said they look forward to working alongside her for the next three years.

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