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Plea to President Trump: Tell Cuba to hand over terrorist killers

December 4, 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of a devastating attack that shook the core of American liberty. It was on this day, in 1975, that the Puerto Rican separatist group, the FALN, planted a bomb at Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan, targeting a place steeped in history and significance. The bomb exploded at 1:19 pm, the same moment when George Washington bid farewell to his troops at the same location 240 years prior.

The attack at Fraunces Tavern claimed the lives of four individuals and injured over 50 others. Among the victims were Harold Sherburne, Alex Berger, James Gezork, and Joe Connor’s father, Frank. Joe Connor, who was only 9 years old when his father was killed in the terrorist attack, has since dedicated his life to seeking justice for the victims. He has authored a book titled “Shattered Lives: Overcoming the Fraunces Tavern Terror,” which has now been adapted into a documentary.

Despite decades passing since the attack, no one has been held accountable for the atrocity. The man believed to be the chief bomb maker, Willie Morales, escaped to Cuba, where he remains along with an estimated 50 other U.S. fugitives. Efforts have been made to demand the return of these fugitives, with a bill in Congress named after Joe’s father and New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster, who was killed by another fugitive in Cuba.

Former President Joe Biden’s decision to remove Cuba from the State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism was met with criticism, with President Donald Trump swiftly reinstating Cuba on the list during his term. Senator Marco Rubio has been vocal in calling for Cuba to hand over the fugitives and has emphasized the need for justice to be served.

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During a recent ceremony marking the bombing at Fraunces Tavern, New York City Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch described the attack as “terrorism in its purest form.” The event was attended by family members, former FBI agents, survivors, and others affected by the tragedy. Joe Connor’s son, Frank, offered a benediction at the gathering, honoring the memories of those who lost their lives to terrorism.

As the 50th anniversary of the attack at Fraunces Tavern is commemorated, the call for justice and accountability continues to echo. The need to keep pressure on Cuba to return the fugitives responsible for the bombing remains a priority for those who seek closure and resolution. The legacy of the victims lives on as a reminder of the importance of standing up against acts of terrorism and ensuring that justice prevails.

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