

Federal fisheries minister ignored DFO advice by reopening commercial cod fishery

Federal Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier ignored the advice of staff within her department when she reopened the commercial cod fishery off…

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Vancouver Park Board seeks legal advice over dissolution motion

As the Vancouver Park Board mulls a legal challenge over the mayor’s plans to dissolve the elected body mid-term, the…

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Financial advice: Is it getting too expensive to raise a child?

Are you planning to have a child, or curious about the costs of having a child in today’s economy? Having…

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Relationship advice: 5-second breaks can help reduce aggression

Taking just a five-second break the next time you have an argument with your significant other could help defuse the…

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Financial advice: how to ‘pay yourself first’

Are you thinking of planning for your retirement? One of the most effective retirement savings strategies is to pay yourself…

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How to find money advice when you’re struggling

One vexing thing about financial planning is that if you have lots of money, you can get advice for free,…

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Sunscreen advice: Dermatologists debunk misinformation

A buff, tanned man says he has an important message from the “sun god.” “If you use sunscreen, you’re literally…

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Daycare advice: Sign up during pregnancy

Newfoundland nurse Katie Thorne is getting worried. Even though her due date isn’t until October, she’s been convinced she needs…

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Relationship advice: What to do if there’s no sexual attraction

Editor’s note: Ian Kerner is a licensed marriage and family therapist, writer and contributor on the topic of relationships for…

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Nova Scotia

N.S. Liberal Party officials say they dealt with employee theft by following legal advice

A former president of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party Association told a committee of the legislature on Wednesday that the…

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