Hollywood talent intrigued by Sask. independent film makers

With the tagline of “Life glitches, laugh it off” a band of independent Saskatchewan filmmakers promise to keep audiences entertained with “Terms and Conditions.”
“We call it Black Mirror, meets The Hangover, meets Four Rooms,” executive producer Jason Truong told CTV News. “It revolves around these five different apps, five different adventures, and they all kind of join up and tell a story about how apps take control of our lives and comedy ensues based on what these apps do.”
The origin of the project began as a simple idea from Rick Anthony, Truong’s writing partner, and hastened by an opportunity created through mutual friends.
“Rick had this idea of this concept based on apps,” Truong explained. “We had the opportunity to have Kate Flannery from The Office be part of one of these projects and so the story kind of grew from there.”
One app, soon turned into two, which expanded into three and so on. Eventually, both Truong and Anthony had a feature length film – and with it came the celebrity presence to back it up.
Mary Lynn Rajskub (Always Sunny in Philadelphia and 24) soon joined the cast. Following her came Jann Arden, Kenny Hotz (Kenny v Spenny) and Steve-O of “Jackass” fame.
“It all kind of spiraled into this perfect storm,” Truong noted. “We got some good traction with first couple of celebs and everyone was interested based on what we had already produced. So we showed them what we filmed, they liked it and then they were willing to put their name on it.”
With the increased star power, Truong was sure to note that the project became very different from the pair’s past efforts.
“This was kind of the first production that we kind of made it like an official business corporation. So that’s where Character Flaw Productions came in,” he explained.
“This was a fully Saskatchewan film. [It was a] team of really passionate film producers, that’s what it came down to. We kind of pulled our own, self-funded this whole thing, made the company and then produced it ourselves because it’s just something we really enjoy doing.”
The opportunity to tackle such a project comes as the province’s film industry is experiencing a resurgence.
“With the on-demand content always being popular, you know, your Netflix, all different streaming platforms, contents is needed. So we have noticed that there has been more interest,” Truong said.
“When the tax credit got cut it was pretty barren, but, because demand is there, we’re starting to see kind of through the grapevine projects appearing, with the screen appearing, big productions are coming down the pipe. So, it’s just imminent. It’s something that’s got to happen, really looking forward to the future.”
“As a filmmaker, [I] couldn’t be more excited,” he added.
Truong and the rest of the film’s production team plan to unveil the project at Regina’s Moonlight Movies.
“It’s a place that is near and dear to all filmmaker’s hearts in Saskatchewan,” he said. “[It] provides a great venue for everyone to watch the movie.”
“It’s a great location, best popcorn in the city. I may be biased, but that’s my opinion,” he laughed.
“Terms and Conditions” will have a preview screening on April 13 at 8 p.m.
Truong said that the team will explore options for distribution and film festivals following the event.