
Why orcas wear dead salmon as ‘hats’ remains a mystery, scientists say

A recent sighting off the coast of Washington state has brought back memories of a peculiar behavior among orcas that was first documented in the 1980s. A resident orca was spotted with a dead salmon perched on its head, a phenomenon that puzzled scientists then and continues to do so now.

The behavior was first observed in 1987 when whales from three different pods were seen wearing salmon on their heads, resembling a human wearing a hat. Despite decades of research, experts are still unsure of the reason behind this unusual behavior. Andrew Trites, the director of the University of British Columbia’s Marine Mammal Research Unit, speculated that it could be a form of playfulness or a way to communicate within the pod.

The recent sighting occurred in Puget Sound, Washington, on October 25th. The Orca Network, a non-profit organization that tracks whale activity, received a photo of an orca named J27 Blackberry sporting a salmon hat. Howard Garrett, co-founder of the Orca Network, believes that the behavior could be a form of social communication among the highly bonded orca families.

Both Trites and Garrett suggest that the abundance of fish in the area could be linked to this behavior. The J Pod had been feasting on fish in inland Puget Sound for over a month, indicating a plentiful food supply. This is positive news for the endangered Southern resident killer whales, who have been struggling due to a lack of available food.

The sighting of orcas wearing salmon hats harkens back to a similar trend in the 1980s. Erin Gless, executive director of the Pacific Whale Watch Association, recalls the story of orcas carrying dead salmon on their heads nearly 40 years ago. Monika Wieland Shields, director of the Orca Behavior Institute, believes that the recent sighting may have been a one-off occurrence rather than a resurgence of the aquatic fashion statement.

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In conclusion, the mysterious behavior of orcas wearing salmon hats continues to intrigue scientists and enthusiasts alike. While the exact reason behind this behavior remains unknown, it serves as a reminder of the complex social dynamics and playful nature of these magnificent marine mammals.

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