Nova Scotia

Work to redraw Nova Scotia’s electoral map begins

An all-party committee of the legislature in Nova Scotia has taken the first steps towards redrawing the province’s electoral map. The committee, comprised of nine MLAs from various political parties, including five PCs, three New Democrats, and a Liberal, met for the first time to discuss the formation of a new electoral boundaries commission. It was agreed that the commission should consist of nine members and focus on creating a maximum of three new ridings.

During the meeting, James Charlton, the chief clerk of the Nova Scotia Legislature, expressed concerns about the limited space in the legislative chamber. He warned that creating more than three new ridings would pose serious challenges and may require extensive renovations to accommodate additional members. Charlton suggested that the chamber could likely accommodate up to 58 members, an increase of three from the current 55.

The need for a new provincial electoral boundaries commission arose from a Nova Scotia Supreme Court ruling in November. The court deemed the lack of a protected district for the community of Chéticamp to be an unjustified breach of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The commission has been given a tight timeline to complete its work, with the expectation that it will finish by early next year.

Gordon Hebb, the legislature’s chief legislative counsel, emphasized the importance of meeting the court-mandated deadline. Failure to do so by July 2026 could have significant consequences, as all constituencies in Nova Scotia would need to be re-enacted. The Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse, the province’s largest Acadian group, initiated the court case following the previous commission’s decision not to grant Chéticamp its own riding due to its small population.

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The MLAs will convene behind closed doors next week to finalize the commission’s members and mandate. The goal is to ensure that the electoral map is redrawn in a timely manner and in accordance with the court’s ruling. The process is crucial in upholding the rights and representation of various communities in Nova Scotia.

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