
Cancer, lung disease risks from exposure to industrial fires, says health expert in wake of Point Douglas fire

The health effects of a major industrial fire in Point Douglas could last long after firefighters have extinguished the last of the blazes, experts say.

The fire at the former Vulcan Iron Works warehouse complex on Sutherland Avenue sent plumes of smoke over the central Winnipeg district for hours on Tuesday, prompting firefighters to evacuate a three-block area and warn nearby residents to stay indoors, closing their doors and windows closed.

The building contained vehicles, tires, propane tanks and other materials, firefighters said.

“We are familiar with the problems of tobacco smoke, and we are now very familiar with the problems of wildfire smoke — but the smoke from tire fires is a whole other level,” said Neil Johnston, a registered respiratory therapist who is president and CEO of the Manitoba Lung Association.

The smoke from a fire like Tuesday’s contains a “cocktail” of harmful gases and particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing inflammation and potentially leading to long-term health problems such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, Johnston said.

“There are sulfur dioxide gases, nitrogen oxide products, that react with water and other things in the air and cause strong acids to form. So you’re actually inhaling acid.”

People with lung disease are most at risk, but even healthy people can contract serious illness from continued exposure to smoke, Johnston said.

LOOK | Major industrial fire at Point Douglas:

Major industrial fire leads to evacuation of 3-block area in Point Douglas

Dark plumes of smoke rose over Winnipeg’s Point Douglas neighborhood Tuesday morning as a major fire swept through an industrial complex, prompting the evacuation of the nearby area.

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Firefighters on site were particularly at risk, says the head of their union.

“I can say firsthand that if you take a shower after a fire, your skin will turn gray, if not black,” says Tom Bilous, president of the United Fire Fighters of Winnipeg.

“That gets into your pores, into the filters of the body, and that’s what… scares us the most, is that stuff that turns into cancer and so forth.”

Toxic smoke can cover surfaces

Firefighters have faced an increasing number of large fires in recent years, especially in vacant buildings, Bilous said. These fires pose a greater risk because firefighters often go inside without knowing what’s inside.

The protective gear firefighters wear works great against radiant heat, but the material needs to breathe so they don’t overheat, Bilous said.

“That’s what puts us in contact with these carcinogens and smoke…Until science can catch up and make something that’s not so permeable, I think it always will be.”

To reduce some exposure effects, Winnipeg firefighters have changed their occupational hygiene procedures, Bilous said.

They pack and shower immediately after fires, and the department has introduced a new system for exchanging dirty stuff for clean stuff, he said.

Johnston also warned that contamination from industrial fires is not confined to the air. The toxic black smoke covers nearby surfaces and collects in water used to douse the flames. Those chemicals can be absorbed through the skin.

If an industrial fire breaks out, everyone in the immediate area should leave if possible, Johnston said. If you can’t, close your windows and doors and use an air purifier or filtration system, if you have one.

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A well-fitting N95 mask can also reduce particulate matter, but it does not protect against gases.

Johnston also said that anyone experiencing respiratory symptoms such as coughing, burning in the chest, wheezing, increased sputum production, dizziness or palpitations should seek medical attention.

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