
Canucks vs. Oilers: Mayors place bet on Round 2

The stakes have been set for a bet between Vancouver and Edmonton’s mayors on who will win Round 2 of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Ken Sim told reporters Wednesday about some of the ideas bandied about during his conversation with Amarjeet Sohi about placing a wager on the series, including having to “rock a bare chest with paint” or getting a tattoo.

“I’m glad saner heads prevailed,” Sim said.

The mayor of the city whose team loses will have to fly the opposing team’s flag at City Hall, wear their rivals’ jersey and make a charitable donation. If the Canucks win, the money will go to an organization that helps at-risk participate in sports.

Sim posted a video to social media in which he outlines the challenge while wearing a Canucks jersey and hockey gloves with the opening riffs of U2’s Where the Streets Have No Name playing in the background.

“My question to you: Are you up to the challenge?” Sim asks, while grabbing a hockey stick. “Because we are.”

The mayor then approaches a small replica of the Oilers’ mascot, Hunter the Lynx.

“Hey little buddy,” he says, before taking a slap shot at the stuffed animal – sending it flying out the window of city hall, where it is caught on the front steps by Canucks mascot Fin who puts the toy in his jaws and bites down.

Sohi responded by accepting the challenge, telling Vancouver’s mayor that “an Oilers jersey is on the way.”

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