Hard-shell MacPass transponder users get last-minute New Year’s Eve reprieve

Commuters Can Still Use Old MacPass Transponders Past Dec. 31 Deadline
Halifax Harbour Bridges has announced that commuters will be able to continue using their old hard-shell MacPass transponders beyond the Dec. 31 deadline. This decision comes after the announcement earlier this year that the old transponders would be phased out by the end of 2021.
The old MacPass system, which has been in operation for approximately 25 years, has reached the end of its useful life. However, the deadline to switch to new sticker transponders has been postponed as Halifax Harbour Bridges works with the province to remove tolls.
In a surprising move ahead of the provincial election, Premier Tim Houston declared that tolls on the Halifax bridges would be eliminated. Houston justified this decision by stating that tolls were a financial burden on Nova Scotians and a tax on their time spent waiting at toll booths.
When questioned about the rationale behind the toll removal, Houston stated that he had consulted with experts who emphasized the negative impact of long wait times on commuters. According to these experts, stopping and waiting at toll booths only served to prolong travel times.
However, concerns have been raised by some experts regarding the potential consequences of toll removal. They fear that traffic congestion may worsen and safety issues could arise as vehicles attempt to merge into lanes on the bridge.
Steven Snider, former CEO of Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission (now Halifax Harbour Bridges), revealed that approximately 82% of vehicles crossing the bridge currently utilize MacPass. Despite this, Snider remains skeptical that the removal of tolls will significantly alleviate congestion.