Nova Scotia

Indigenous culture in the spotlight at North American Indigenous Games in Halifax

As thousands of people from across the continent flock to Nova Scotia for the North American Indigenous Games, the spotlight will not only be on athletic competition, but also on Indigenous culture.

NAIG 2023 president George (Tex) Marshall of Eskasoni said the opportunity for the Mi’kmaq to share their language, ceremony, traditions and culture with the world is just as important as the competitions.

“We basically set the standard that our goal is 50 percent culture, 50 percent games and we’re staying true to that,” says Marshall, who has dreamed of hosting the games in Halifax for more than two decades.

“It’s an incredible opportunity for culture shared by the tribes of North America.”

George (Tex) Marshall is the president of NAIG 2023. (Paul Pourier/CBC)

It is the first time that the Games have been held in Eastern Canada. Marshall said it’s an opportunity for the Mi’kmaq to share their story with other indigenous groups.

Language will also be an important part of the cultural exchange, Marshall said. There are more than 460 signs in three languages: English, French and Mi’kmaw.

Many nations will come up with their own language, he said. Others have lost their language and NAIG could be a “reawakening” for them.

“It could be the catalyst for change,” Marshall said.

The NAIG Cultural Village in the Halifax Common have cultural demonstrations, a marketplace and performances from Saturday to July 22.

Events held there include demonstrations of traditional cooking from chef Ray Bear and traditional medicine from Tuma Young, a lawyer, ethnobotanist, and professor of Mi’kmaw studies at Cape Breton University.

The village is also discussed waltes gamebeadwork, quillwork, drum making, basket weaving, storytelling and hide tanning.

The marketplace at the Halifax Common will have vendors from all over the continent, about half of them from the region.

A sign listing events at NAIG Cultural Village 2023
A sign at the Halifax Common goes up before the event. (Brian MacKay/CBC)

Angie Gillis, executive director at the Mi’kmaq Mainland Confederation, said she is looking forward to seeing how the games are staged, seeing everyone come together and seeing the impact of the cultural village.

“They’re going to see a part of who we are as Mi’kmaq,” Gillis said. “I’ve been part of those who were in Winnipeg and Toronto, so to see how we organize that will be fun.”

A woman in a purple jacket addresses the camera.
Angie Gillis, of Eskasoni First Nation, is the Executive Director of the Mi’kmaq Mainland Confederation. (Dan Jardine/CBC)

NAIG President Fiona Kirkpatrick-Parsons said the games are about bringing cultures together.

“It’s an opportunity for everyone to come together and learn about each other’s cultures,” she said.

“The Mi’kmaw culture will be the predominant host culture, but other cultures will be represented. And we want everyone to feel welcome to come learn and participate.”

A woman in a denim jacket with embroidered flowers addresses the camera.
Fiona Kirkpatrick-Parsons is President of the North American Indigenous Games. (Paul Poirier/CBC)

Chief Bob Gloade of Millbrook First Nation, who will host the 3D archery competition, agrees on the importance of culture during the event.

He said the Games will be a showcase for indigenous drummers, dancers and artists from the region. He said it will be moving for him to welcome athletes and delegates from all over the continent.

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