
Know about Canada Day & PM Trudeau’s message to Canadians

Last updated July 1, 2023, 10:41 AM EDT (Toronto time)

What is Canada Day? Canada Day is celebrated on July 1 each year and is informally referred to as “Canada’s Birthday”.

However, Canada Day is celebrated as the anniversary of Canada’s full sovereignty.

Canada Day History

Its history dates back to July 1, 1867 with the formation of the Canadian Confederation under the British North America Act of 1867.

This act resulted in Federal Dominion of Canada with Canadian colonies (Ontario and Quebec) joining Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

  • Year 1867 – Canada became independent from Great Britain.

  • Year 1879 – Federal law made July 1 a statutory holiday, later named Dominion Day.

  • October 27, 1982 – Dominion Day officially became Canada Day

  • 2017 – Canada celebrates 150 years of independence.

  • 2023 – Canada celebrates 155 years of independence.

The enactment of the British North America Act on July 1, 1867, was celebrated with the ringing of bells at the Cathedral Church of St. James in Toronto.

And “bonfires, fireworks and lighting, field trips, military displays, and musical and other entertainment.”

July 1 was then celebrated every year as the anniversary of Canadian confederation.

However, July 1 was named as “The Reign Day” on May 15, 1879 and established as a legal holiday, but it was not dominant in the national calendar.

1946, Phileas Coteintroduced a bill in the House of Commons to rename Dominion Day canada day.

But the Senate returned the bill with a recommendation to rename it as Canada’s National Day. As a result, the bill was not passed.

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On July 9, 1982, the holiday was officially renamed after an own-initiative bill passed 2 years after its first reading.

To which the Senate showed strong resistance, but the bill was eventually passed. As a result, the holiday was officially declared The Canada Day on October 27, 1982 upon the granting of Royal Assent.

Canadian PM message on Canada Day

Today (July 1) we all Canadians celebrate Canada Day. Prime Minister Trudeau shared the message below for all Canadians Coast-To-Coast.

“Wherever you are, July 1 is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate the country we call home, the people we share it with, and the future we are building together.

“We can – and should – be proud of all those things. After all, Canada is the envy of the world: people fleeing violence and persecution dream of a life here, companies open headquarters in our cities and factories in our cities, and world leaders count on us for leadership in times of crisis.

“Wherever our flag flies, it is recognized as a symbol of democracy, freedom and hope. It represents the values ​​that are dear to all of us. And it’s a promise. A promise of a country where newcomers are welcomed with open arms, where differences are celebrated and diversity is embraced, a country where you are free to be who you are and love who you love, where everyone has a real and fair chance at success , and a country where we acknowledge historical wrongs and learn from the past to build a better future – for all.

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“Canada has endured incredible challenges throughout our history and we have always made it through working hard together and staying true to our values. We did it when our grandparents stood up to fascism on the beaches of Normandy and across Europe. We are doing it now as we stand up to help those affected by wildfires. And we do that every day as we take a stand against hate and discrimination.

“We come from far and wide, but united we are 40 million strong – and there is no challenge we cannot overcome together. So let’s celebrate each other today, and let’s celebrate as we continue to build this great country. And let’s continue to seize every opportunity to make this country even better for our (grand)children.

“Happy Canada Day, Everyone!”

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