Lucky Friday the 13th: Gas prices drop by 5.1 cents in Nova Scotia
Friday the 13th has brought with it a smidge of luck for Nova Scotians drivers.
In its regular weekly price adjustment at midnight, the province’s fuel price regulator lowered the cost of a litre of regular self-serve gasoline by 5.1 cents. Gas now costs 161.7 cents in Zone 1, which includes the Halifax area, and tops out at 163.6 cents (a 5.2-cent drop) in Cape Breton’s Zone 6.
Diesel drivers weren’t as fortunate, though: the price of that fuel was pushed up by 3.2 cents to 201.3 cents a litre in Zone 1 and 203.3 in Zone 6.
But diesel buyers may take a bit of comfort in knowing that this time a year ago, diesel cost even more, 238.1 cents. And the price of gas was 169.6 cents a litre.