Makeup: Save vs splurge | CTV News

If you’re wondering whether you should splurge or save when it comes to buying skincare products and makeup this summer, we got some answers for you.
Makeup artist and beauty expert John-Paul Ricchio joined CTV Morning Live’s Rosey Edeh to share some makeup secrets, such as where to save and where to splurge and how to apply certain products.
Face Masks
Ricchio says that face masks should be incorporated into our weekly routine, noting their benefits when it comes to cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
“This is about taking the time to use a face mask to give yourself like a spa in a jar,” Ricchio said.
“A luxury that we should incorporate into our weekly routine to basically help us have that time to really relax.”
Ricchio says that people should splurge on facemasks.
“It’s your face. You want to take the time,” Ricchio said. “(It) helps you with pores.”
Concealers are used to hide dark circles under the eyes and dark spots. It is also used to brighten, said Ricchio.
“I used these, this product at the Oscars,” Ricchio said.
And when it comes to applying the concealer, Ricchio recommends using a brush.
“It’s just dotting. A lot of people don’t know that they should apply the concealer like this,” Ricchio said.
The key to a nice concealer is to know how to prepare the skin, Ricchio added.
“You can do so by applying a boosting serum and then applying the concealer,” Ricchio explained.
“When you put the concealer on it, it glides on and that helps it not sit in the creases.”
Ricchio says when it comes to concealers, we should save, unless we pair the product with a serum that goes well with it.
“So, basically the glow boosting serum and the concealer together, you’re saving like this, these products together. Make yourself look and feel fantastic. You don’t have to spend a ton,” Ricchio said.
Face oil and moisturizer
Though some people get afraid when they hear “face oil,” Ricchio says it’s a luxury that “I love to incorporate into my routine.”
“If you have normal to oily or comedy skin, you wanna kind of stay away. So, it’s all about how much you use it to hydrates the skin,” Ricchio said.
Ricchio recommends applying a moisturizer first, and then applying the oil.
“Or we can do this little hack, which is to add some oil into the moisturizer and that goes on to the face and then you do your makeup. It’s a very luxurious way to prep your skin before you put your makeup on,” Ricchio explained.
When it comes to saving or splurging, Ricchio recommends splurging, as keeping the face moisturized is the key to keep it looking soft and supple.