Nova Scotia

MEET THE MAKERS: Something for bees and birds: Rose Banks lets her customers be part of the creative process

YARMOUTH, N.S. — Rose Banks says her primary focus is to create beautiful décor for inside and outside the home. She wants to let people know that they don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars at big stores, just to have your home beautifully decorated.

It can all be done by supporting local makers like her.

Banks, who lives in Yarmouth County’s Arcadia, says she didn’t set out with the intention of starting a small business. In fact, it all started with doodling. This doodling then turned to drawing, which then morphed into painting and creating on canvas. From there, Banks started using canvas for more than just art. She expanded into making a variety of home decor for inside and outside the home for both children and adults.

Side hustle

Now, Roses Creative Creations is a side hustle, used to bring in a little extra money.

“The best thing about having a makery business is the thoughts and love that I put into my work,” said Banks. “Every piece of artwork and home decor is original.”

Although on the surface people may find a similarity amongst what she makes, Banks said nothing is ever exactly the same, which she loves.

Part of the reason for these differences in what she makes is because she fulfils custom orders.

“I allow my customers to design their request the way they want using different colours and items I use.”

Banks creates the final pieces, but her customers also create by providing her with their favourite colours and other things. Sometimes, they prefer her to just go and create the way she wants with just their thoughts of what they are looking for. It all depends on the customer.

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Over the years, Banks has made a lot of different items from dream catchers to matching bird houses and feeders

to wreaths. This year, she started creating fake beehives. She was amazed at how popular they were. As soon as she posted them on her social media account, she had someone immediately order six of them.

Keep hornets away

Banks had only imagined the beehives would be a décor item, but she soon learned from the gentleman who had ordered six of them they were also great for keeping the hornets away. Apparently, the hornets see a nest they will go elsewhere to make a new one as they are very territorial.

After that, she started promoting her beehives as a hornet deterrent and found the orders were coming in like crazy. So much so that she had to involve not only her children but also her cousin and her neighbour in helping to make the beehives.

“We sat outside all summer long soaking up the sun and fulfilling orders,” said Banks, noting that orders went all over Canada and even in the United States.

Rose Banks discovered that when she made beehives for an outside décor item, they actually helped to also keep the wasps away. Contributed
Rose Banks discovered that when she made beehives for an outside décor item, they actually helped to also keep the wasps away. Contributed

When it comes to inspiration for her work, Banks said she just makes whatever pops into her head. She said once she gets an idea, that’s it. She needs to make it and does not stop until it’s done.

“I always want to see the final creations that was just a thought.”

This natural creativity has always been a part of Banks. She has always enjoyed being creative and making things. It also came from necessity. As a single mom of four kids, and working full time, she found that instead of buying overpriced items, she learned to recreate the items for a lot less.

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Looking ahead

In the future, Banks said she would love to one day own her own little craft store where her items are out there for everyone to see and enjoy. She would also like to sell supplies for other crafters and to start making her own merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, bags and perfumes for men and women.

She also does a lot of live streaming on social media and would like to get creative with that as well.

All of this creating happens around Banks’ full-time job. So, if she has orders to fulfil, she does so on her days off and when she’s finished work for the day.

“If I could do this full time and have the business, I definitely would as it’s not a job but an enjoyment to me while I am being creative.”

Anyone interested in viewing or making a purchase from Banks can find her on Facebook through Roses Creative Creations, Roses Custom Gifts Decor and Crafts, Roses Custom tumblers and resin creations or Spoon Creations by Rose.

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