National Park badges surface at Point Pelee

A Piece of National Park History Uncovered at Point Pelee National Park
A fascinating discovery was made at Point Pelee National Park this week – a pair of park badges dating back to 1939 and 1940.
These metal badges were once used as season passes for entry into national parks, typically displayed on the front grille of a vehicle for easy identification by gate attendants.
The badges found at Point Pelee feature an iconic beaver design, while badges in western Canadian parks at the time showcased a majestic bison.
It’s incredible to think that in 1940, a pass for the entire season could be purchased for just one dollar.
Crafted from aluminum and copper, these metal passes eventually became scarce as resources were redirected to support the war efforts during the 1940s.
While the charming metal badges are no longer in circulation, visitors can still obtain paper passes to access the wonders of Canadian national parks.