Nova Scotia RCMP appoint new district commander for Cumberland County

AMHERST, N.S. — The Cumberland District RCMP is welcoming Staff Sgt. Andrew Clarke as the new district commander.
Clarke will oversee the duties of detachments in Amherst, Oxford, Parrsboro, Pugwash and Springhill, which respond to police calls throughout Cumberland County.
The St. John’s native joined the RCMP in 1996, joined the Traffic Services team in 2003, and served as a risk manager, working out of the Operational Communications Centre in Dartmouth, from 2019 to 2023.
He’s also been an instructor at the RCMP Academy, teaching applied police sciences and police driving.
Previous posts include Halifax, Port Hawkesbury, Advocate Harbour, Yarmouth, Bible Hill and Amherst.
“We’re happy to be back in Cumberland County,” said Clarke. “My wife, who’s a retired RCMP officer, and I raised our children in Cumberland County and have had a cottage in the area for several years. Our cottage is now our full-time home, and I’m looking forward to working with the community to enhance public safety.”