Orchestra Toronto welcomes newcomers to Toronto through classical music

Newcomers to Canada leave their home countries for a variety of reasons. Some may be fleeing violent conflict. Some may have faced persecution. Some may be looking for better economic opportunities. No matter the reason, Orchestra Toronto strives to ease the burdens and anxieties associated with entering a new country, even for just one night.
Orchestra Toronto introduced the Welcome Seats program in 2017, an initiative that offers people new to the country the chance to experience a classical performance for free as a gesture of peace and a general welcome to Canada.
Originally known as Bennington Heights Community Orchestra, the organization was founded in 1954 and became Orchestra Toronto in 1998. It has since served the GTA as one of Canada’s oldest and largest volunteer orchestras.
Shows are usually held a few months apart and fill the George Weston Recital Hall at the Meridian Arts Center with the captivating clashing sounds of string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Last season, the ensemble consisted of nearly 100 musicians of different ages and cultures, from amateurs to professionals.
Regular ticket prices are typically around $50, but by reaching out to local agencies and organizations like the 519, GTA Refugee Assistance Hub, and the Syrian Canadian Foundation, Orchestra Toronto coordinators can offer free tickets to newcomers, a way to advertise inclusiveness and embrace as part of the community.
The program has thrived in its most recent 2022-23 season after being sponsored by RBC and serves more than 300 newcomers from around the world, including countries such as Ukraine, Syria and Egypt.
“Many clients came to us and said it was their very first time experiencing an orchestral performance,” said Julianna Cole, executive director of Orchestra Toronto.
“I firmly believe that we can make this program even bigger. I believe music has the power to unite and inspire, wherever you come from.”
Double bass virtuoso Melissa Cavelti has been playing the string instrument for over 35 years and is entering her fourth season with Orchestra Toronto. She understands firsthand the struggles refugees face through her grandparents, who emigrated from Ukraine, and appreciates the Welcome Seats program.
“To see people come to Canada and enjoy a concert without having to worry about all the things you have to worry about in terms of resettlement, but just to have a normal, fun, enjoyable afternoon for free with having their family, it really warms my heart,” she said.
“Orchestra Toronto can’t fix the world…but we can give them a day’s escape, and that’s what music gives me.”
Deya Shebli, who immigrated to Canada less than three years ago, attended a performance through the program about six months ago.
“It was very surprising to me because it was my first time. I enjoyed the music. It was a new experience for me,” he said.
Shebli had not been exposed to classical music before, but after such a positive experience he would like to go again and this time with his wife and children.
Community outreach initiatives are not uncommon for Orchestra Toronto. The organization often donates tickets to children’s charities, offers mentorships for emerging young talent, and gives scholarships to musicians in need of financial assistance.
Executive Director Cole, who has also been musically trained and has been singing since he was three years old, recalls running an after-school opera workshop in partnership with the Toronto Foundation for Student Success where students received free tickets to an orchestral performance when they finished.
Orchestra Toronto’s first concert of the 2023-24 season, “Strength Through Our Ancestors,” is scheduled for Saturday, October 28. Cole stressed the importance of preparing for the return of the Welcome Seats program which will take place in the coming months.
“I understand it may seem far away, but personally I want to start connecting with these newcomers right now: building a relationship, a sense of belonging and a sense of comfort and peace beforehand, and then the music will follow,” Cole said. .
Please contact Julianna Cole at executive.director@orchestratoronto.ca if you are interested in attending a concert.