House GOP campaign chair makes prediction for 2026 midterms: ‘Going to be on offense’

The National Republican Congressional Committee chair, Rep. Richard Hudson, is optimistic about the GOP’s chances in the upcoming 2026 midterm elections following President-elect Trump’s convincing 2024 White House victory. With Trump carrying all seven crucial battleground states and winning the national popular vote, Hudson believes the party has a significant advantage heading into the midterms.
Hudson pointed out that there are 14 Democrats who won seats that were also carried by Trump, compared to only three Republicans in seats carried by Vice President Harris. This imbalance, according to Hudson, puts the Republicans on the offensive as they aim to defend their fragile majority in the House of Representatives.
In the 2018 midterms, Democrats successfully flipped the House majority by targeting Republican-held districts that Trump had lost in the 2016 election. However, in the upcoming election cycle, Republicans will be defending seats in districts that the president-elect carried, giving them a strategic advantage.
Hudson emphasized that House Republicans who will be targeted by Democrats are battle-tested and have proven themselves by withstanding millions of dollars spent against them in previous cycles. He praised these candidates for their hard work, strong brands, and ability to deliver for their communities, labeling them as the party’s best candidates.
While Trump won’t be on the ballot in the 2026 midterms, Hudson believes that if Republicans continue to deliver on their promises and campaign on key issues, they can drive out a higher percentage of voters with Trump’s support. Trump has shown a deep commitment to helping House Republicans secure a majority, understanding that a Democrat-controlled House would impede his agenda.
As the NRCC chair, Hudson’s top priorities include candidate recruitment and fundraising. He stressed the importance of candidate quality and fundraising efforts in securing victories in the upcoming elections. Hudson expressed confidence in the party’s ability to maintain its majority in the House and looks forward to hitting the road to support incumbents and recruit new candidates.
In conclusion, Hudson’s optimism and strategic approach highlight the GOP’s determination to defend its majority in the House of Representatives in the 2026 midterms. With Trump’s support and a focus on candidate recruitment and fundraising, Republicans are gearing up for a competitive election cycle ahead.