
Show me the progress

The Progress Monitoring Committee (PMC) was established in 2023 by the provincial and federal governments to oversee the implementation of the response to the Final Report of the Mass Casualty Commission, known as Turning the Tide Together. Chaired by former Nova Scotia lieutenant-governor Myra Freeman, the PMC aimed to monitor progress, provide accountability, and exchange information on initiatives addressing root causes of violence, including gender-based violence (GBV).

One of the key recommendations from the Turning the Tide report was a focus on preventing and addressing GBV, intimate partner violence, and family violence. The PMC recently released its annual report, highlighting progress in implementing GBV prevention programs and support services. However, when pressed for details on specific actions taken, the PMC’s response was vague and lacked concrete information on funding allocation, accountability mechanisms, and training programs.

Advocates in the GBV prevention sector expressed concerns about the lack of transparency in the PMC’s report, noting that without detailed information, it is challenging to allocate resources effectively. Despite Freeman’s assertion of the report’s value in assessing progress, critics argue that terms like “initiated” and “on-track” are insufficient in addressing the urgency of cultural shifts needed to combat GBV.

While Freeman emphasized the need for meaningful progress in her communication, critics question the efficacy of the PMC’s approach in addressing the complex issue of GBV. The lack of specificity and transparency in the report raises doubts about the government’s understanding of the relationship between GBV and mass casualty events.

In conclusion, the PMC’s generalized approach to addressing GBV raises concerns about the actual progress being made in combating this pervasive issue. Transparency and concrete actions are essential in creating meaningful change and supporting survivors and advocacy groups working tirelessly to end GBV in communities.

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