
Nova Scotia

CBRM water utility seeks approval to spend up to $1.1M on private land purchases

Cape Breton Regional Municipality could be buying more private land to protect its water sources, if it gets approval from…

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Nova Scotia

Nova Scotians with private health insurance encouraged to check if they need referral notes

Nova Scotians are being encouraged to check their private health insurance to see if a note from a doctor or…

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The cheers and jeers of Danielle Smith’s private party summer

A couple of Tuesdays ago, Premier Danielle Smith’s evening began with her facing heat for not rushing to ban COVID…

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In 1993, Alberta said a private liquor model would bring more choice and stable prices. Did it?

“The Alberta Liquor Control Board is no longer our spiritual leader,” Calgary Herald columnist Don Martin declared in a Sept.…

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U.S. private equity firm to buy Héroux-Devtek in deal valued at $1.35B

Aircraft landing gear maker Héroux-Devtek Inc. says it has signed a deal to be acquired by U.S. private equity firm…

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Green Party leader calls on colleagues to discuss contentious NSICOP report in private

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May says it’s time for her fellow party leaders to sit down for “an adult conversation”…

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Celine Dion goes public with her private health struggles: What we’ve learned so far

Celine Dion is opening up about her life-altering neurological disorder ahead of the release of her documentary, “I Am: Celine…

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Private jets descend on Montreal for F1 Grand Prix in emissions-heavy weekend

Formula One does things big. At the Canadian Grand Prix, its race cars top 300 kilometres per hour. The track…

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On board the world’s most exclusive private residential ship

It’s a floating city exclusively home to the 1 per cent, a playground for multimillionaires and billionaires that circumnavigates the…

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Nova Scotia

Maintenance of private road hits dead end for frustrated Boutiliers Point homeowners

When David Pilmer and his wife built their home in 2015 on Toni Avenue in Boutiliers Point, N.S., they had no concerns about living along…

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