

More family physicians in Canada focusing on specialty care: report

If you’re one of the estimated more than six million Canadians who can’t find a family doctor, it might be…

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Manulife will cover specialty drugs filled at any pharmacy following backlash to Loblaw deal

Business·New Manulife will cover specialty drugs filled at any pharmacy, the insurance company said Monday, backtracking on its decision to only…

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Manulife says coverage of some specialty drugs will only apply at Loblaw-owned pharmacies

Canadian insurance company Manulife announced that its coverage of certain specialty prescription drugs will only apply at Loblaw-owned pharmacies, a deal that pharmacare policy…

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Nova Scotia

Owner of specialty autobody shop in Elmsdale charged with fraud over $5,000

The owner of a specialty autobody shop in Elmsdale, N.S., who has faced several previous accusations of unfair dealing and small claims…

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