
The wildfire situation in Quebec continues to improve with rain, but risks remain: SOPFEU

MONTREAL – Quebec’s wildfire prevention agency says the province’s wildfire situation is improving following recent rainfall, though risks remain, particularly in the region bordering James Bay.

Stéphane Caron, a spokesman for the SOPFEU agency, says the rain that fell in southern and eastern Quebec has reduced the risk of fires.

But he says the fires still burning are huge, including one burning near the town of Lebel-sur-Quévillon – which was evacuated twice in June – covering more than 4,000 square kilometers.

He says the fire is under control, but still not under control and could regain strength if the area goes through another dry spell.

It also remains dry in the northwestern region of Jamésie, where several large fires are raging.

Quebec’s Department of Natural Resources and Forests said Sunday night it is narrowing the area covered by a fire ban for outdoor fires. The ban applies mainly in the northwest of the province, as well as in two small parts of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region.

This report from The Canadian Press was first published on July 3, 2023.

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