
Travel nurses in Nova Scotia limited to six month contracts effective Dec. 15

HALIFAX, N.S. — Effective Dec. 15, travel nurses working with Nova Scotia Health, IWK Health or any government-funded long-term care facility can only be hired for a maximum of 180 days at a time.

Afterwards, they must wait at least one year before returning to that institution as a travel nurse again, though they can choose to accept a permanent position in N.S. or another province.

The province noted there are currently more than 350 travel nurses working in Nova Scotia.

“There will always be nurses who want to travel, but the change we are making today will encourage more to take on permanent positions where they are needed most,“ Premier Tim Houston stated. “I’m calling on premiers across the country to consider doing the same.”

In another change, new graduates of Nova Scotia nursing courses must also wait for one year after graduation to apply as a travel nurse in the province.

“Travel nurses have been an important part of providing long-term care as we worked to hire and train more people in the sector, but we have always been clear that it was never meant to be a permanent solution,” said Barbara Adams, Minister of Seniors and Long-term Care.

“We hope some travel nurses will consider taking permanent positions in the province.”

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