Wearable technology trend now includes healthy people tracking their blood glucose. Is it worth it?

Technology originally designed to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels has joined the wearables trend.
Data likely won’t improve health of people who don’t have diabetes or pre-diabetes: experts

Technology designed to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar has joined the wearables trend of watches, bracelets and rings that collect personal health data.
But researchers say the devices might provide minimal benefit to healthy people using them to get minute-by-minute readings on their glucose levels.
Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are being marketed by manufacturers to non-diabetics, including elite athletes who are wearing them in training with an idea of optimizing how they fuel their body. The devices need to be replaced every two weeks, so cost to use them full-time can run about $3,500 a year.
The devices are toonie-sized disks that typically pierce the skin at the back of the upper arm. A sensor measures glucose