Windsor FunGuyz, illegal magic mushroom shop, closing its doors

Windsor’s Fun Guyz, an illegal magic mushroom store, is among the 30 locations across the province that are permanently closing their doors. The shop, located on Ouellette Avenue, has faced numerous raids by Windsor police, resulting in multiple charges against employees. In December, the police seized over $64,000 worth of products from the store.
A spokesperson for Fun Guyz, who identified himself as Brian Johnson, expressed the financial strain caused by the repeated police actions, stating that they can no longer sustain the business. The spokesperson also revealed that FunGuyz’s 30 locations nationwide have been raided over 120 times, indicating the widespread enforcement against illegal mushroom stores.
Despite the frequent raids, the Windsor shop would often reopen shortly after being shut down. However, the store on Ouellette Avenue will now be permanently closed, leaving three employees without jobs. Downtown councillor Renaldo Agostino voiced his opposition to the presence of the illegal mushroom store, citing its negative impact on neighboring businesses and the community.
Psilocybin, commonly known as magic mushrooms, has been illegal in Canada since 1975. While Health Canada acknowledges the drug’s potential therapeutic benefits, there are currently no approved therapeutic products containing psilocybin in the country. The FunGuyz spokesperson advocated for the legalization of psilocybin, arguing that the police raids are a waste of taxpayer money.
Outside the Windsor location, opinions on the shop varied among residents. Some expressed concerns about the proximity of the store to children and families, while others recognized the potential medical benefits of psilocybin. Rayed Ahmed, who works at a nearby bar, acknowledged the therapeutic uses of psilocybin and likened its potential path to legalization to that of cannabis.
Agostino clarified that his opposition is not directed at the drug itself but at the illegal storefronts. He commended the efforts of the police in shutting down these establishments and emphasized the importance of adhering to the law. With the closure of Fun Guyz and other illegal mushroom stores, Windsor is taking a step towards enforcing drug regulations and ensuring public safety.