
Dad uses diet plan to lose nearly 200 pounds for son’s graduation

A father from Maine who was mortified at the thought of having his picture taken at his son’s graduation has undergone a remarkable transformation, losing an impressive 180 pounds. Justin Dudley, 48, previously weighed 343 pounds and wore a size XXXXL, but after years of carb-loading and a fast-food addiction, he decided to make a change.

Dudley’s motivation for losing weight stemmed from his desire to make his son proud on his graduation day. He had always avoided being in photos and felt self-conscious about his weight, but he knew he needed to turn things around for both his own health and his son’s happiness.

In April 2024, Dudley embarked on a strict meal plan that included extreme calorie counting and intermittent fasting. He would only consume tea and coffee throughout the day, saving all his calories for one large meal in the evening. This meal was limited to 1,200 calories, well below the recommended daily intake for an adult male.

In addition to his new eating plan, Dudley also incorporated home workouts into his routine to aid in his weight loss journey. The combination of calorie restriction and exercise proved to be successful, as Dudley lost 22 pounds in the first month and an additional 20 pounds by June 2024.

Despite his significant progress, Dudley still felt self-conscious about his weight on his son’s graduation day. However, his son expressed how proud he was of his father, which served as motivation for Dudley to continue his weight loss journey.

Since his son’s graduation, Dudley has continued to shed pounds, losing a total of 180 pounds. Not only has he improved his health and appearance, but Dudley’s new diet has also saved him money. He now spends approximately $300 per month on food, a fraction of the $1,600 to $2,400 he used to spend on junk food.

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Dudley’s transformation has allowed him to look forward to the future with excitement. He plans to travel and enjoy a life that he is proud of, something he couldn’t do before due to his weight. The loss of his own father before his weight loss journey served as a reminder for Dudley to prioritize his health and not postpone making positive changes for tomorrow.

For those looking to follow in Dudley’s footsteps, Dr. Jason Fung, an expert in intermittent fasting, advises turning the eating plan into a habit to maintain its benefits. Dudley’s story serves as inspiration for anyone looking to make a positive change in their own lives through dedication and hard work.

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