Summer office dress codes decoded

Clothing for an office environment can be a minefield no matter the season. It’s an endless negotiation of personal style with vaguely defined notions of “appropriateness,” complicated by the need for practicality for different modes of commuting and, if you’re really ambitious, the ability to transition to a look you feel comfortable with. feels to wear to socialize after work. (The old “desk to disco” conundrum.)
Summer, however, raises the stakes of the office dress code by a factor of about 35 degrees times 70 percent humidity divided by the Arctic explosion of the air conditioning vent your desk is under. Your winter uniform of tailored undergarments is suffocating, but that linen caftan you prefer to roam around in doesn’t seem to be quite what HR was talking about when they said they wanted you to bring your most authentic self to work.
If, like many people, this is your first summer in three years of being back in the office, the thought of all this could make you feel particularly sweaty. And if you’d rather walk barefoot on the sidewalk than put together an outfit for work in the middle of an August heat wave, you’re not alone.
We enlisted two experts — one from the world of style, another from the realm of etiquette — to talk us through the dos, don’ts, and absolute don’ts of dressing for an office in summer.
Do bare arms (if you feel comfortable doing so)
There’s a whole conversation to be had about controlling and shaming women’s bodies when it comes to questions about how much skin in an office (and just generally) can be bared in the summer. As anyone who’s ever had a school dress code that stipulated that spaghetti straps must be at least “two fingers wide” knows, sleeves—or lack thereof—take odd prominence in this style surveillance. However, you still have to give a presentation next Tuesday. So should you wear a sleeveless tank top for that?
According to stylist Caitlin Stewart, who often works with corporate clients, a rule of thumb is that a “conservative sleeveless blouse” is generally fine, but spaghetti straps are not. “If you’re wearing a sleeveless blouse, make sure you always have a blazer or jacket on hand if you have to go to a meeting or courtroom,” she adds.
Your office may have a formalized dress code that spells out exactly what is expected. “The best thing you can do is check your company dress policy in the workplace to make sure you’re aware of the details,” recommends Stewart.
Don’t wear shorts
At a time when wonderfully coordinated shirt-and-shorts sets are having a moment, this advice will be especially tough, but both experts agree on this. “While it may seem appropriate in some office environments, wearing shorts more often than not signals to others that you don’t take your job seriously — even if you don’t,” says Tsai.
“In a professional office environment, shorts are in most cases not appropriate unless they are part of the uniform,” Stewart agrees.
Navigate sandals with caution
“Sandals are still up for debate,” says Bonnie Tsai, a etiquette consultant which specializes in helping people navigate corporate protocols. “If you work in a formal office, it’s a definite no.” However, more informal environments are a bit more vague. “I would only wear sandals if they look smart, but during the summer months I prefer to wear loafers,” she says.
Definitely don’t expose your feet if you’re a man (please)
The male foot in its natural state is one of those things best kept for the private sphere, no matter how comfortable those Birks you’ve had since Lollapalooza 1991 are. “Men should never wear sandals to work,” says Tsai firmly. This isn’t a chance to show off a finely twisted ankle either, guys. “If they decide to wear loafers, they should wear socks with them,” she adds.
Do wear linen, but only in certain applications
The naturally thermo-regulating linen fabric is a gift from nature for people who are hot and sweaty. In a work environment, however, it requires a bit of finesse in how you choose to wear it. “Linen suits are my preference over linen shirts because shirts tend to bunch up and can have an unkempt or casual look,” says Stewart. “My tip would be to work with a good quality lined linen that will wrinkle less. It can really be dressed up for a professional environment.”
Do bring some clothes for commuting
Given that many offices are overly air-conditioned — calibrated to the temperature of men who get hot, a conversation for another time — you’re more likely to feel sweltering on your way to and from work, especially if you bike or walk to the office. One way to navigate these two vastly different climates, Stewart says, is to pack different clothes for the commute. It may seem like a lot of effort, but it’s worth it; just do it.
Don’t assume that all bets are off during a heat wave
“You still need to maintain a level of professionalism even when the weather changes,” says Tsai. As a rule of thumb, she always tries to go overdressed over underdressed. “If you’re not sure if that piece of clothing is appropriate for the office, it probably isn’t.”