

How E. coli got in daycare meat loaf, sickening hundreds, may never be known, says report

A report into a massive E. coli outbreak at Calgary child-care facilities that saw hundreds fall ill says it was…

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Halal meat is big business both within and beyond Muslim communities

More restaurants in Canada are turning to halal certified meat on their menus to make sure items such as chicken are…

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U.S. states bank lab-grown meat

Lab-grown meat is not currently available in any U.S. grocery stores or restaurants. If some lawmakers have their way, it…

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Family members in U.S. infected with muscle worms after eating undercooked Sask. bear meat

Many people who shared a meal of bear meat, harvested from northern Saskatchewan, at a family gathering in South Dakota…

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In budding battle over lab-grown meat, Florida takes opening stab

Cultured meat, meet culture war. The first rhetorical shots have just been fired in a political battle that could last…

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Nova Scotia

Hurdle cleared for Gateway Meat Market expansion

Gateway Meat Market in Dartmouth, N.S., is a step closer to expanding. On Thursday, Harbour East-Marine Drive community council unanimously…

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Makeshift slaughterhouse in a residential garage points to growing concerns about illicit meat sales

Inside a garage in an established Edmonton neighbourhood, animals were being slaughtered and the meat was advertised for sale to…

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Calgary halal grocers and wholesaler shut down by Alberta Health Services over sales of uninspected meat

Investigators with Alberta Health Services served closure orders on four halal grocery stores in Calgary on Friday, and another on…

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Canada concerned as final rule for ‘Product of USA’ meat labels announced

Canada’s federal government, as well as organizations representing some the nation’s beef producers, warn a decision south of the border…

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Lab-grown meat could be the future of food — but possibly not in our lifetimes: experts

The Current24:29Will lab-grown meat ever reach our plates? What’s cultivated, meat-like, and could help lower greenhouse gas emissions? Lab-grown meat…

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