
Late-night CBP helicopter ride-along shows advanced tech used to apprehend migrants

Fox News recently had the opportunity to take an exclusive late-night helicopter ride over the El Paso, Texas sector, providing a unique look into the operations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as they work to capture migrants attempting to evade detection. The experience offered a glimpse into the challenges that CBP agents face on a nightly basis.

During the helicopter ride, our team was able to witness firsthand the advanced technology that CBP utilizes to detect migrants and smugglers. Agents with the agency’s Air and Marine Operations were equipped with nighttime vision goggles, allowing them to see in the dark as we flew over one of the busiest areas for migrant traffic.

As the helicopter flew over the border, a high-tech camera designed for nighttime surveillance provided a live feed that was enhanced by mapping software. This allowed the agents to pinpoint the exact locations of migrants, even as they attempted to evade detection by cutting holes in the border wall or hiding behind brush in the desert.

One of the most impressive tools used by the agents was the use of invisible lasers that could lock onto targets and provide precise coordinates. This technology, combined with constant communication between Air and Marine agents in the helicopter and Border Patrol agents on the ground, allowed for seamless coordination in capturing migrants.

Our camera crew on the ground was able to capture several apprehensions, including a 19-year-old from Mexico and a man from Guatemala. Not only have encounters decreased in the El Paso Sector, but agents also noted a decrease in the number of “gotaways,” which are migrants who manage to evade capture. In fact, Border Patrol agents reported zero gotaways on a recent Wednesday, a significant milestone.

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Agents also highlighted the increased presence of Border Patrol and National Guard vehicles stationed in hot spots, a development that has significantly bolstered their ability to patrol critical areas. Prior to the current administration, Border Patrol agents were spread thin and lacked the manpower to maintain a strong presence in these key locations.

Overall, the late-night helicopter ride provided a unique and eye-opening look into the challenges and operations of CBP in the El Paso sector. The use of advanced technology and seamless coordination between agents in the air and on the ground has greatly enhanced their ability to detect and apprehend migrants attempting to cross the border illegally.

Brooke Taylor, a Dallas-based correspondent for FOX News Channel, provided this exclusive insight into the important work being done by CBP agents in the El Paso sector.

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